
Showing posts from December, 2019

The Opinion Page

Bring a Dessert to Share (2019). What do you think about the process of creating your portfolio and website?  I enjoy it very much. But. And this is a big but. Haha. But, but-  IT TAKES FOREVER.  FOR EVER. Seriously, no joke, add up the hours and I’ve spent days working on these puppies.  DAYZZZZZ. There are so many variables and options and endless possibilities. Constantly redirecting myself back to simplicity is an uphill battle and I’m never quite sure I’ve arrived at a state of finished. I like working on my portfolio and letting it evolve over time. One thing I really like to do, which helps quite a bit, is to draw layouts and build physical mockups for my portfolio ahead of time. Its good to have a tangible thing in my hand to refer to, especially when I’m wondering what-the-heck page I’m on. What is your opinion about the the tools - comparing InDesign to Wix?  Being a totally blank slate, InDesign is somewhat more intimidating in that I fee


Student Work What challenges did you encounter while creating your portolio and how did you overcome them? There were so many challenges. ALL of the challenges.  This portfolio took a million hours to put together. There are several masters in that puppy as well as oooooodles of images and a boatload of text boxes. The spacing and layout were a bit fiddly, but overall it was a gratifying task. One challenge is transfer of muscle memory (ie shortcuts) between Adobe applications. Don’t even try to think that  ⌘D will duplicate a darn thing in InDesign! At the bitter end I made buttons for the objects in my ToC and instructed them to go to their corresponding pages. FUN! But NOT FUN THOUGH. Because whilst saving the interactive PDF I am informed that “Go To Page” isn’t supported. WHATEVER THE HECK THAT MEANS. Also I tried to go back and rewatch the tutorial videos to make sure I had all my notes in order but the video isn’t working on either of my machines. I’m going to t